Metrics and Analytics: lj 3

Written By: Jessica Schmidt

After completing the readings throughout the past couple of weeks, they have all proven to be very beneficial in the development of my knowledge within social media platforms and how they can be used in different ways. For instance the article, “Using Twitter as a data source an overview of social media research tools” by Wasim Ahmed was an article that allowed for Twitter to be used as a data source and provides insightful research towards several topics. Within the article there is a section that explains how Twitter was utilized to explore the ways in which Twitter provided differing insights pertaining to the of COVID-19.It is from this collection of data from the sight that allows for many scholars to utilize Twitter as a source to conduct their epidemiological related research. Therefore, from reading these articles it has allowed me to shift perspectives on how social media has been used and furthered my insight on how I can utilize social media to further my growth academically in terms of research. With this valuable information from the articles and readings I personally gravitated towards reading them and finding them very interesting and insightful.

Furthermore, by knowing this from the articles such as ones about RSS feeds and how they are used, it has furthered my inclination to utilize these platforms on an academic level. When conducting research for my next paper I can possibly use Twitter to collect data on differing perspectives on a subject/topic that allows for a deeper consensus on public opinion upon that topic. Furthermore, these readings have also allowed me to see how I can possibly expand my social media reach and what processes can be taken to accomplish that. For example, the articles and readings that were about how RSS are used it allowed me to see that I could further the development of my websites if I were to ever create some as it allows others to get updated about the new content that is put onto my website. The article states, “To publish these notifications, the website author creates a text file with the XML file extension for the RSS feed that contains the title, description, and link for each post on the site. Then, the website author uses this XML file to add an RSS feed to web pages on the site. The XML file automatically syndicates new content through this RSS feed in a standard format that displays in any RSS reader.” (Whitehead, 2021, n.a). Through this quote , it shows me the specific steps to create an RSS feed and what tools I will need to accomplish it.

Work Cited

Find rss feeds for your favorite websites and make life easier. (n.d.). Lifewire. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from

says, M. B. (2021, May 18). Using Twitter as a data source an overview of social media research tools (2021). Impact of Social Sciences.

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